Flashdisk Keren merk HP v250w 8GB. Z-003

Flashdisk Keren merk HP v250w 8GB. Z-003
Rp 126,360

    Flashdisk merk HP v250w 8GB

    Easy plug and play in installation
    Ultra-compact, clip-on USB Flash Drive
    Securely attaches to keys, backpacks, handbags, etc.

    * Weight 11.5g
    * Size 5.0mmH x 15.8mmW x 46.6mmL
    * Storage Capacities 4GB/8GB/16GB/32GB
    * Data Transer Rate 4GB,8GB : Min.14 MB/s read, 4MB/s write
    16GB,32GB : Min.18 MB/s read, 8MB/s write
    * Operating Temperature: 0 Celcius to 60 Celcius
    * Storage Temperature: -25 Celcius to 85 Celcius
    * Vcc Power: 4.5~5.5 VDC
    Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Mac OS: 10.3 and above
    Warranty 2years from the date of purchase
    (simpan resi pengiriman).
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